Current | 48 Hour | Trend over the last 48 hours | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Temperature |
28 °F
-2 °C (Mid-mountain: 29 °F) (Base Area: 34 °F) |
Maximum 32 Minimum 26 |
Wind | West @ 20 MPH
33 km/h |
26 |
Snow depth | 99.4"
252 cm Snowfall since Oct 1st 189.9" # In-range / Out-of-range 1841 / 1053 |
Humidity | 100 % |
101 Minimum 100 |
Barometer | 29.97" Hg
101.5 kPa |
Maximum 29.99" Minimum 29.69" |
Static Bursts | 38127
Total Noise floor = 0 counts / bin |
0 So far in this hour |
Light Level |
Sunrise Sunset Twilight Moon phase |
07:03 17:43 18:24 - 65 % |
Power rail | 13.01 Volts | V_panel = 3.14 V / V_batt = 26.22 V / I_1 = -0.28 A / I_2 = 0.00 A |
Hoodoo Butte is a 5700' (1737 m) volcanic cinder cone located on the crest of the Cascade Range in central Oregon.
On your map, it's about 2.5 miles southwest of Santiam Pass (Highway US 20, milepost 81), and about 1.5 miles west of the Pacific Crest Trail. For the GPS-inclined, that's about 44.402 N, 121.882 W (WGS84 datum).
Weather & related information:
Location | Forecast | Satellite | Jet Stream | Radar | Lightning & sky | Air quality | Fire information | Sea Surface Temps | Earthquake & Tsunami |
Low Bandwidth | Santiam Pass | n/a | CONUS
North America c/o |
n/a | North America
c/o |
Look outside | Look outside | Washington, Oregon | Are things rocking? |
Santiam Pass | Santiam Pass
7-day / 14-day Current map |
n/a | n/a | Portland weather radar -
Full area & near Santiam Pass |
Dark sky map |
Sisters, OR
Camp Tamarack Hoodoo Ski Area |
Oregon Smoke Information
Fire Aware, Fire ...
n/a | Washington |
Pacific NW | Forecast zones | GOES 17 "GeoColor"
static / loop | | NWS - zoom on
UofW - PNW radar |
Pacific NW | Central Oregon
Sisters Oregon DEQ |
NWCC Large fire map
AlertWildFire cameras AlertWildFire - Smith Ridge |
Washington, Oregon | Pacific NW |
Western US | Forecast zones | GOES 17 "GeoColor"
static / loop UofW - Vis, IR, WV |
n/a | n/a | Pacific SW | n/a | n/a | California | S. California |
Continental US | Forecast zones
Forecast Wx Chart |
static /
wunderground - IR |
CONUS North America Forecast: North America |
CONUS | Lightning
Dark Sky maps |
North America | Inciweb - Incident info.
NFSA Tool - map |
North America
east of 145W |
& Click on "Nearby Places" USGS |
North Pacific | n/a | GOES 17 "GeoColor"
static / loop UofW - Vis, IR enhanced |
North Pacific
(interactive) |
n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | Alaska
Alaska-Hawaii west of 135W |
N. Pacific |
Hemisphere, World-wide | Space Weather | GOES-WEST Pacific
GOES-EAST Atlantic |
Forecast (interactive) | n/a | Lightning
Aurora Borealis |
Worldwide | n/a | Worldwide
Chart collection |
USGS Tsunami |
This is: | |
Related Web Pages: |
Multi-picture page (~670 Kbytes) w/
NW view,
Easy Rider,
Parking Lot
(center &
and more (~20-70 Kbytes each)
Graphs of temperature & snow depth: 2024-25 & 23-24, 22-23, 21-22, 20-21, 19-20, 18-19, 17-18, 16-17, 15-16, 14-15, 13-14, 12-13, 11-12, 10-11, 09-10, 08-09, 07-08, 06-07, 05-06, 04-05, 03-04, 02-03, 01-02 Winter snow depth histories - ".CSV" file data which could look like this "On this date" - How today compares to this date in previous years About this page, this weather station, the pictures, and making your own weather station. Short weather page, winter's summary (.CSV), 7 days of raw data, last 6 hours Keeping it running: Manzanita battery performance, System Check |
Like it? | This page is brought to you courtesy of the Santiam Pass Ski Patrol and their web site. If you like what you see, let them know. If you don't like what you see, use the "Email them" feedback link given below to suggest an improvement. If you don't like the weather, we may not either, but that's a whole 'nother discussion . . . |
Ideas? | Most of the instruments and software used to generate these weather
condition pages were provided by the
Santiam Pass Ski Patrol.
The precipitation sensor data is provided by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), which maintains many "SNOTEL" sites from New Mexico to Alaska.
If you have ideas for improvements to this weather page, please
Email them
to " |
Notes: |
- Files are uploaded shortly after the hours of 8, 12, 16, 20. |
To: | Hoodoo Ski Area's main page |